Domestic Policy Caucus Spreads Awareness of No Fuel Ban Campaign at Minnesota State Fair

The Domestic Policy Caucus is active at the Minnesota State Fair on behalf of our No Fuel Ban Campaign. The No Fuel Ban street team has distributed thousands of hand fans to attendees, spread awareness to stakeholders like the Minnesota GOP and The Libertarian Party of Minnesota, discussed the campaign with U.S. and state representatives, and had a plane circling the airspace with a banner reading, “Don’t Ban MN Fuels and Trucks.” 

The No Fuel Ban street team even caught the attention of The Daily Reformer. In a recent update, a Minnesota Reformer reporter stated, “I’m also keeping an eye on NoFuelBan, a pro-ethanol, pro-gasoline, anti-electric car campaign that had a large presence at the fair. As I arrived, a plane circled overhead with a banner for the campaign, and I spotted several fans with the campaign’s logo throughout the fair.” The piece then went on to challenge Democrats to “square their ambitious climate goals with their support for corn ethanol."

It is safe to say the No Fuel Ban Campaign is being recognized by many people across the state, including local policymakers. 

For more information about the No Fuel Ban campaign and to sign our petition to policymakers, go to


Domestic Policy Caucus Appears on WWTC The Patriot Radio’s Jack Tomczak Show Live from the State Fair to Promote No Fuel Ban Campaign


Domestic Policy Caucus Appears on KLTF UpFront Radio Show to Discuss the No Fuel Ban Campaign and the Presence at the Minnesota State Fair