Mass Priorities Launches First Ads

Mass Priorities says local governments should focus on bridges and water, not unneeded, unwanted government-owned internet networks.

Mass Priorities launched its first in a series of ads today, urging town governments on Cape Cod to invest in bridges and water utilities, not government-owned networks. The launch is part of a $500,000 + statewide media push over the next three months.

“Local governments have finite resources and need to set priorities,” said Mass Priorities Policy Director Christopher Thrasher. “Across the Commonwealth, we need to spend more on improving our schools and less on pet projects that don’t move the needle for our communities. On the Cape, we need to invest our limited dollars on bridges, wastewater treatment, and other vital infrastructure projects, not waste dollars on costly and unneeded government-owned internet networks.”

The ad buy includes cable television, radio, digital, out-of-home, and print media on the Cape to educate the public on the needs of the region and is timed to lay the groundwork for critical discussions about priorities ahead of Town Meetings in the fall of 2023 and spring of 2024.     

“The track record of government-owned networks is very clear,” continued Thrasher. “They compete with other local priorities, put taxpayers at risk, and end up being sold to private sector companies for pennies on the dollar. We know that taxpayers want public dollars invested in roads and bridges, schools, and water treatment. We are urging policymakers across the commonwealth to put critical infrastructure needs before expensive pet projects.”

Ads will begin to air on Tuesday, October 31, and run through the end of the year. In addition to Cape Cod, the campaign will also run in Boston and communities across Western Massachusetts.  

See the ad, “Cape Priorities,” from Mass Priorities, a project of the Domestic Policy Caucus, here.


The Enterprise Newspaper: Mass Priorities Launches Ads Discouraging Town-Owned Networks


“Mass Priorities” Launches to Ensure Massachusetts Municipalities Invest in Community Essentials Over Risky, Capital-Intensive Projects