DPC Urges Missouri Senators to Oppose 340B Expansion

The Domestic Policy Caucus wrote to Missouri Senate Leaders to vote against the expansion of 340B, the federal law on prescription drugs, which S.B. 751 currently under consideration would create in Missouri.

DPC wrote, “S.B. 751 would create an economic environment in which incentives would be put in place to encourage even more consolidation of healthcare systems, to put healthcare farther out of reach of rural Missourians, and to imperil the ability of underserved Missourians to receive the medications they need, all while lining the pockets of big healthcare systems and giant chain pharmacies. Meanwhile, it would do nothing to reduce healthcare costs, which is what everyone really wants. Indeed, it probably would actually increase costs while resulting in poorer health outcomes… There should be much more discussion, analysis, and debate before determining whether to head down this uncertain and troubling healthcare policy path.

Read the full letter here.


DPC Urges Mississippi Governor to Veto 340B Expansion


DPC Writes to Minnesota Senators to Request "No" Vote on 340B Expansion