Utah State Auditor in Deseret News: Government-owned internet networks hurt taxpayers

Utah State Auditor John Dougall penned an op-ed for the Deseret News, calling out the harm that government-owned internet has inflicted on taxpayers in his state.

In the op-ed, Dougall wrote, "The number of government-owned networks is increasing by the day, and taxpayers, not users, are often footing the bill. Government-owned broadband networks cost millions of dollars and divert essential funding away from services that really matter to the public — services such as police and fire, roads, water and sewer... Public officials across the country, and especially here in Utah, should resist the appealing allure of expanding or deploying government-owned networks, which allure has been shown to be deceptive, and ultimately destructive, to taxpayers."

Read the auditor's full commentary here.


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