National Popular Vote Appears on the Defending Democracy Podcast
On September 2, National Popular Vote senior advisor Patrick Rosenstiel and strategic partner Alyssa Cass appeared on the Defending Democracy Podcast to educate and spread awareness about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
On September 2, National Popular Vote senior advisor Patrick Rosenstiel and strategic partner Alyssa Cass appeared on the Defending Democracy Podcast to educate and spread awareness about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
During the episode, Rosenstiel said, in part, “I can tell you that the National Popular Vote, the Interstate Compact, is not a Republican or Democrat idea, it’s not a partisan issue. Frankly, it's for anyone that believes that every voter, in every state should be politically relevant, and I think it’s for any voter who thinks we can have a better politics in this country if the principle of one person one vote applies to presidential elections.”
Listen to the full discussion here.
National Popular Vote Appears on the Keeping Democracy Alive Podcast
On August 13, National Popular Vote strategic advisor, Alyssa Cass, appeared on the Keeping Democracy Alive podcast to discuss the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
On August 13, National Popular Vote strategic advisor, Alyssa Cass, appeared on the Keeping Democracy Alive podcast to discuss the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
To open the discussion, Cass said, “Right now, under our current system, four out of five American votes simply don’t matter. If you’re not in one of the handful of swing states, it’s like you didn’t even cast a vote. So right now, the majority of voters, four out of five, their will, when it comes to out most important office is simply ignored. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is a way to rectify that, and make sure that every American vote is counted equally, regardless of where they live.”
Listen to the full episode here.
DPC Appears on KY3 Missouri Opposing 340B Expansion
On Thursday, Missouri Governor Mike Parson opted out of taking action on a bill, SB 751, aimed at expanding the out-of-control 340B program in the state.
On Thursday, Missouri Governor Mike Parson opted out of taking action on a bill, SB 751, aimed at expanding the out-of-control 340B program in the state.
Following the Governor’s decision, DPC said this, “While the required discounts are supposed to be passed on to low-income consumers, instead what happens is the hospitals charge the normal price to your insurance or to the patient and keep that money.” DPC stands firm in its support of better access to medicines for people in need, especially in rural Missouri.
The governor’s inaction means the bill will become law by default and take effect August 28.
Learn more here.
National Popular Vote Appears on Driving It Home on WCPT 820 Radio
On June 17, Alyssa Cass, strategic advisor of the National Popular Vote Campaign, appeared on Driving It Home With Patti Vasquez. During the episode, Cass highlighted the importance of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
On June 17, Alyssa Cass, strategic advisor of the National Popular Vote Campaign, appeared on Driving It Home With Patti Vasquez. During the episode, Cass highlighted the importance of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
When describing the campaign, Cass said, in part, “National Popular Vote is born out of the idea that four out of five American Voters shouldn’t be ignored in a general election. National Popular Vote is a plan that some very smart people came up with, and it's an agreement amongst states to award their electoral votes to the candidate that receives the most popular votes across all fifty states and the District of Columbia.”
Listen to the full interview here.
National Popular Vote Appears on Tangle News
On June 9, National Popular Vote senior advisor Patrick Rosenstiel and strategic partner Alyssa Cass appeared on the Tangle News to educate and spread awareness about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
On June 9, National Popular Vote senior advisor Patrick Rosenstiel and strategic partner Alyssa Cass appeared on the Tangle News to educate and spread awareness about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
When asked about the campaign, Rosenstiel said, “The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact says when states with 270 or more electoral votes pass the bill, the interstate compact, those states will award and block their electors to the candidate that wins the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In layman's terms, when states with 270 or more electoral votes have our bill in place, we will have a national popular vote for president, and every voter, in every state, will be politically relevant in every presidential election, which 67 percent of American people want, and this is the plan that gives it to them and delivers it.”
Watch the full interview here.
DPC Urges Missouri Governor to Veto 340B Expansion
The Domestic Policy Caucus today wrote to Missouri Governor Mike Parson, urging him to veto an expansion of 340B, as contained in S.B. 751, which has been sent to his desk.
The Domestic Policy Caucus today wrote to Missouri Governor Mike Parson, urging him to veto an expansion of 340B, as contained in S.B. 751, which has been sent to his desk.
In part, DPC wrote, "Disparities in access to care and health outcomes for rural, underserved, and minority populations have long been significant issues. Any policy that could further restrict the availability of medicines to these populations--or force them to travel farther to obtain them--needs to take the issue of health equity into consideration. There should be much more discussion, analysis, and debate before determining whether to head down this uncertain and troubling policy path."
Read the full letter here.
NoGovInternet Appears on “Political as Heck Utah” Podcast
Former Speaker of Utah House Greg Hughes appeared on the “Political as Heck Utah” podcast to discuss his role in the NoGovInternet Campaign.
Former Speaker of Utah House Greg Hughes appeared on the “Political as Heck Utah” podcast to discuss his role in the NoGovInternet Campaign.
In part Hughes said, “It’s 501(c)(4) campaign meant to really educate people because a lot of times when UTOPIA or one of these companies comes to a city council, which have constituents who would like better service, the version of life that they’re giving—there is a lot more to the story. At least more details and information that the public, and even those mayors and city council members ought to be aware of before making a big decision to get into debt and get into that lane as a city to provide internet infrastructure.”
Listen to the full discussion starting at the 4:35 mark here.
Mass Priorities Publishes Issue Guide for West Springfield, Massachusetts
Mass Priorities has published an issue guide for the town administrators and residents of West Springfield, Massachusetts, to educate about the risks and costs of government-owned broadband networks.
Mass Priorities has published an issue guide for the town administrators and residents of West Springfield, Massachusetts, to educate about the risks and costs of government-owned broadband networks.
In the issue guide, Mass Priorities explained, “At a time when vital community resources such as schools and public services are facing cuts, it is critical to focus on spending that aligns with the most pressing needs of West Springfield residents. Despite the financial strains leading to proposed school closures and significant cuts in funding for critical community services, West Springfield is contemplating the allocation of millions of dollars to a risky municipal broadband network. This raises concerns about the alignment of fiscal expenditures with actual community needs and priorities.”
Read the full issue guide here.
National Popular Vote Joins Gaslit Nation Podcast
On May 28, National Popular Vote strategic advisor, Alyssa Cass, appeared on the Gaslit Nation podcast to discuss the benefits of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
On May 28, National Popular Vote strategic advisor, Alyssa Cass, appeared on the Gaslit Nation podcast to discuss the benefits of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
Cass said the following about our current electoral system, “When you ignore people’s voices, when just only a few thousand votes in a handful of states matter, the outcome isn’t pretty. You know, look around, the current system leads to divisiveness, allows battleground state courts to pick the president, and doesn’t honor the fundamental principle of democracy that every voter should count equally in presidential elections. It doesn’t have to be that way.”
Listen to the full episode here.
DPC Applauds No. Carolina State Treasurer Report Exposing 340B Overcharges
North Carolina State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, recently released a report finding that 340B hospitals billed state employees an average price markup of 5.4 times their discounted acquisition costs for oncology drugs.
North Carolina State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, recently released a report finding that 340B hospitals billed state employees an average price markup of 5.4 times their discounted acquisition costs for oncology drugs. Hospitals generated average spread profits as high as $13,617 per claim on cancer drugs paid for by the North Carolina State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees.
The Domestic Policy Caucus applauds Treasurer Folwell’s efforts to expose 340B program overcharges and abuse. Like Folwell, we are calling on state and federal lawmakers to reform the 340B Drug Pricing Program and to provide hospital price relief to state employees and taxpayers. We also call on state officials in every state to conduct 340B program reviews like the one that was performed in North Carolina.