The Domestic Policy Caucus: An Introduction
In this inaugural episode of the Domestic Policy Podcast, hosted by Domestic Policy Caucus (DPC) Secretary/Treasurer Kent Kaiser, Ph.D., DPC Chairman Patrick “Rosie” Rosenstiel discusses why he founded DPC and the important role that DPC plays in being a voice for people who support the organization’s policy stances. Rosenstiel talks about the importance of the First Amendment right to free speech for organizations like DPC and, more importantly, for supporters of organizations like DPC. He also explains that the organization protects the anonymity of its donors so that they don’t suffer negative consequences for supporting controversial policy views—the organization takes the heat so that they don’t have to. The organization’s mission is to support transparent, public conversations on critical policy issues at the local, state and federal level. DPC educates voters on the issues that will have the greatest impact on their communities and supports community members as they engage with elected officials on critical policy matters.