The Folly of 340B Expansion in North Dakota

In this episode of the Domestic Policy Podcast, host Kent Kaiser, Ph.D., and North Dakota Watchdog Network Managing Director Dustin Gawrylow discuss the folly of North Dakota House Bill 1473. The bill aims to expand the federal 340B drug pricing program in the state. Kaiser and Gawrylow discuss the need for reform of the 340B program before any expansion is considered and how North Dakota could be a national model by developing 340B reform legislation that provides transparency and accountability as well as well as a definition of who a 340B patient is and a notification to 340B patients to let them know they are entitled to discounted drug prices. They also discuss how policymakers and others talk about the 340B program as if it were an entitlement program, even though it operates totally unlike one.


The 340B Prescription Drug Program: Reforms Needed